autism, kindness

I Saw You

I wrote this last night pretty quickly and off the cuff and posted it on my Labeled to Lunderful FB page. I wasn’t going to post on my blog because it’s more spontaneous than I usually do but after the way it was received I thought I’d share.

I saw you today. In fact I saw several of you. I was the mom picking up some groceries with my son. My autistic son, that’s all he is. No need to walk on eggshells around us, we were just fine. But I’m not sure you were. When he made unusual noises as I stood at the deli counter you were allowed to smile at me and say hello. It would’ve gone a long way to put me at ease. It wasn’t necessary to look past us as if we weren’t there or look startled when I saw you glancing over. I saw you. As I pushed my cart past you with my stimming 15 year old you were the one who avoided eye contact and looked down. I saw you too. Perhaps you forgot your manners? I’ll you give you a pass this time because I told myself next time you will do better. I have faith in you. You just weren’t sure what to do and I’ll even give you that too. Hopefully, you will be a little less uncomfortable when you see us or another duo like us, out in the community because there most definitely will be a next time. Please  understand, I’m not mad, anger is not helpful. I’m just trying to take what felt negative and create a positive teaching moment. Hey, If my unpleasant experiences can help to desensitize you to what autism can look like than I’m down! I was trying to teach my son how to shop today and now I’m trying to teach you that it is ok to see us.  We are just people. My efforts deserved a high five and we did just that when we left as we headed to our next stop! We all can do better. #kindness #autism
#autismawareness #labeledtolunderful