Different Not Less
MINDFUL MONDAY………and this is on my mind
It is not a big revelation that how we celebrated the Christmas holiday has looked different for many people this year. But as we say within the autism community — thanks to Temple Grandin — “different not less”. This holiday season certainly was different and took a little getting used to, but I wouldn’t let myself or my kids think it was any less meaningful.
We interacted with less people, I baked less, I decorated less, I purchased less and cleaned my house less. In some ways, the minimization was unexpectedly welcome. Why bake until your back hurts and overindulge in sweets? I didn’t really miss my 3 Christmas trees or the work entailed in putting them up and taking them down. Instead, all our efforts went into one special tree which we draped with our favorite ornaments. Most of the ornaments were ones the kids had made or commemorated special events throughout the past 28 years. We also put up our favorite angels from Cathy’s angel tree and looking at that tree somehow things felt very much the same. The same memories of our life came flooding back. How far we have come and the pain it took to get here.
So closing out this unusual year, appreciating the glorious beauty of a spectacular white Christmas, encapsulated in our little cocoon of 6 seemed right to us. We missed our extended family and friends a lot but the togetherness of our unit was #lunderful. Beauty lies in simplicity.

Pictured above is the only new ornament added to our tree this year. It is quite meaningful and special and it reminds us to appreciate the gains in the midst of the losses of 2020. For all the challenges it came with I am perhaps more grateful this year than years before. We did indeed survive this tumultuous year and our loved ones dodged Covid, and I am praying it remains that way. Many families experienced the opposite and are in the throes of grief and I think about that often. For that, and many other reasons, I will never again complain about the confusing and stressful year of 2020. I will continue to be thankful and find the sunshine in the chaos because I feel it is hiding beneath the layers,
My wish for you dear friend is to stay healthy and love your people with all your heart. Each day is a gift and in the end it is the only gift that matters.