Thank you!

MINDFUL MONDAY…… and this is on my mind
Reflect. Respect. Gratitude. Repeat. These are the words that have crept to the forefront of my brain to help guide me through the New Year. I like New Years Day! I love the clean slate that it brings! The crisp new planner, the fresh start….all of it. I’m sure at times my humanity will get the best of me and I will veer off track but I have committed myself to reflecting, resetting and giving thanks each day.
I’d like to thank my LTL followers! Your reactions, comments and shares have meant so much to me and when times were tough, through your interactions, you provided me a much needed pick-me-up!! I feel a pull to connect with young autism moms. Probably because I felt so desperate and alone when I was one and for the life of me I couldn’t see a path forward. I needed to know I would survive and hopefully thrive. My second blog entitled ” My Little” was the beginning of my efforts and years later I’m still trying to reach “the littles” out there. Conveniently, LTL also signifies another acronym for me…..Love the Littles. Other than being a supportive friend and sharing stories there is not much I can do except show these ladies they will find their way like I did. You helped me reach young moms and I appreciate you so much!! I’ve made new friends and I feel this blog has given me a purpose. A big thank you for helping me do that!!
So, I welcome 2021 with open arms! 2020 is in the rearview mirror and a brighter future awaits. I’m going to try to be better. A better blogger, a better friend, a better mom, and so on and so on. The list is long and lofty but I’m going to try! That’s the best this girl can do!
I hope you stay with me in 2021! XO

Thanks Donna. I am grateful to know you!
Thanks, Marilou! I feel the same about you! Sure do miss a lot!! Best to you in 2021! XO
LOVE you Donna. Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts in 2021!!!
Love you, Jamie!! Your friendship and support mean everything to me. Thank you!
Love you Donna! You are inspiration to me in so many ways! Thank you!
Love you, Lenley!! Your support and friendship keeps me going! Thank you!